Mama to the Wishing Litter

Mama to our Upcoming Girl, Kiki. Visit Kiki's page here: KIKI

Moxie produced one beautiful litter for us, which we lovingly called our Wishing Girls. Everything about that litter was a reminder to me that everything happens for a reason and it was all meant to be and that beautiful things can be born of tragedy and heartache. Our keeper, Dandelion, was renamed Kiki, and she shares so many qualities we loved so dearly about her grandmother, Wishes.  

We will be blowing on dandelions, making wishes on the flower that must learn to fly, that Kiki, our one and only of the Wishes/Moxie line, will mature to breeding quality to continue this very treasured line for us.

Moxie (aka Miracle puppy)
Wishes x Sunny

URO1 Ghibli's Move Mountains TKN CGCA CGCU ACT1 ACTJ1 SPOT-ON

Birthdate: 5/13/2021


OI : 0.29 / IR : 0.02
Haplotypes: 1001/2001 ; 1014/2013

What do these numbers mean? 
On average, Poodles test at 0.25 for Outlier Index (OI) which measures how common or diverse their genetics are compared to the rest of the gene pool. Diverstiy breeders aim to increase OI and Moxie tests higher than breed average.
Internal relatedness (IR) measures how in-bred or out-bred a dog is. The average IR for the breed is 0.02 and diversity breeders aim to decrease the IR or go below that average.
Haplotypes are a gene associated with the dog's immune system. Certain haplotypes are associated with a slight increase risk of SA and/or Addisons and other haplotypes are rarer and considered protective. Moxie does not carry those risky haplotypes and one of her haploytpes is rare/protective. The 1014/2013 haplotype is only carried by 1.27% / 1.23% of the poodle population!
Studies have shown that by increasing OI and decreasing IR and being mindful how we breed dogs with risky haploytpes, we can breed healthier poodles with less incidence of autoimmune disease like Sebacious Adenitis (SA) or Addison's disease.

BetterBred Link:
OFA Link:

Moxie's Miracle Story

Moxie's first name was Miracle. She is our very special Oops! puppy. She was born just two weeks after we welcomed our very first litter. We were unaware that her dam, Wishes, had been accidentally bred until a few days before Miracle was born. Talk about a whirlwind! Because she surprised us, we had to DNA test all our boys to find out who the father was. It was determined that Sunny was the boy that bred her dam through the fence. Although accidental and unintentional, both Wishes and Sunny were fully health tested and of breeding age. Miracle's dam unfortunately had a very difficult labor. Although Moxie was born alive, three other puppies didn't make it despite our best efforts to rush her dam to the emergency vet. Unfortunately due to staff shortages because of Covid, there was not an available surgeon to do a cesarean in a timely manner to save the puppies. We were sent home with our one surviving puppy, that we naturally began calling, Miracle. The whole family helped to raise Moxie, as her dam was not up to the task. She was bottle fed and tube fed to save her life. My sister also was a great help in raising our singleton. Moxie lived with my sister for nearly a year and she earned her CGC, CGCA, CGCU, URO1, SPOT-ON, ACTJ1, and ACT1 titles with her. Moxie now lives in a loving local guardian home with a friend. 

While living with my sister, Miracle earned her CGC, CGCA and CGCU!

Moxie earned her first competition win at the Friday April 22nd 2022 Black Swamp Gun Dog Club show. She also earned her SPOT-ON and URO1 titles that weekend! So proud of our little miracle puppy! Groomed and handled by her co-owner, Tessa Tewksbury. Pictured with her sire, Sunny. We are so proud!

For several weeks, Miracle went every where I went for round the clock tube feeding care!
This puppy is a very loved puppy!
Who got to train Miracle was always a source
of cousin rivalry between these two!
This puppy is a VERY loved puppy!
First trip to the lake!
Target training at agility introduction class.
Enjoying a soccer game with the family!
We don't usually let puppies sleep in beds (allergies), but for this puppy, we made an exception. ;)
Socialization trip to Lowe's. 
First Dog Show
Second Dog Show - In Novice Puppy ring with my daughter.
Third Dog Show - more Novice Puppy practice
She also won Runner Up in a Halloween Contest. We chose the theme, "Happy Little Accident" ;)  My husband as Bob Ross, Me as the Canvas, while Miracle does her best rendition of a "Happy Little Cloud".
Miracle earned her AKC STAR Puppy Medallion!