Call Name: Sunny
Birthdate: 4/19/19
OI: 0.35
IR: -0.17
1001/2001 ; 1014/2013
22 inches ; 40 lbs
Pennhip: RDI = 0.38 LDI = 0.33
OFA Hip Score - Preliminary EXCELLENT!
Color Testing: BB ee S/sp (parti carrier)
DM, vWD, NEwS, Prcd4: Clear
PRA & DB/RD: Carrier
Thyroid, Cardiac, Eyes, Patella: Normal
Sunny has a wonderful showy personality with a
beautiful gait. He adores fetch and has high prey drive. He has a lot of energy to play but also likes to settle down and cuddle with us on the couch.
He has never met a stranger and loves everyone he meets.
Best Junior Handler with Sunny 7/23/22 at Central Indiana Coonhoud Club.
Sunny is my daughter's Juniors dog. He does fabulous for her. My daughter recently turned 8 years old which finally put her in the Novice Juniors class. Her very first day as a Novice Junior she earned Best Junior Handler over two other Novice Juniors and three Senior Juniors!
Pictured on the right is Sunny with his recent achievements. Marnie and Miracle are his daughters. He also earned two UKC Rally Level 1 Q's toward his URO1 Title and three CWags Rally Zoom Level 1 Q's toward another title, as well.