Average sized standards in black and brown due Mid January.
They will have average diversity with sweet, happy & Confident temperaments.
Any Browns will be long show-docked for stud owner's consideration.
Email tashagrieser@gmail.com for an application.
Cocoa's OFA Link: https://ofa.org/advanced-search/?appnum=2150302
3 girls - 2 brown abstract and 1 brown solid
5 boys - 2 brown abstract, 1 solid brown, 1 black abstract, 1 solid black
Saichi lives near the East Coast with Conner who is a professional dog groomer.
Koda lives with Steph. She has taken him through a few classes and he is growing into a wonderful family companion.
Madalyn with Rhys have graduated a couple classes, earned the CGC and Novice Trick Title!
Willow lives with another poodle and has a very wonderful life as a family companion.
After Cocoa was spayed, she decided she didn't want to live with intact females anymore so she retired to go live with Ahsoka's family. I don't think she minds sharing her family with her mama. We miss her lots, but I am so thankful Cocoa stayed "in the family". <3